Amin Hamidi.



Electrical Engineering Student.
  -Texas A&M University

The day I got a MacBook was the day I realized the possibilities are endless. I started using the internet to teach myself how to edit pictures, create music videos, edit audio files, develop websites, and most recently, create iOS apps. I have loved learning and have done my best to pass on the skills I was able to develop to my friends, and whoever else was interested to learn.

Throughout my life, I've always been interested in figuring out different ways to do what I wanted and have thrived with the struggles. I have worked on several different personal projects, and helped other people achieve their goals on their projects.

Recent advancements in science and technology have been enabling us to solve complex problems and advance our society at the fastest rate we have ever seen. I believe we have the power to make the world a much better place by having empathy for the world we live in, and utilizing the tools we we are given for a greater good.

A bit about my skillset

iOS Development

Working as a software developer for a machine learning research lab at Texas A&M University. Building iOS and watchOS applications to collect, and process data.


Digital design projects including graphic design, front end development, and video making. Check out some of my video projects under my projects.


I have worked as a personal trainer since the beginning of college, and have taught at meetings, and a fitness conference before.